
The Rumour (1988)

Olivia Newton-John

Visitas: 167642

Lista de canciones
Nombre Autor / intérprete Visitas
The Rumour Elton John, Bernie Taupin 2541
Love and Let Live Alan ODay 2520
Cant We Talk It Over in Bed Irwin Levine, Sandy Linzer 2520
Lets Talk About Tomorrow John Capek, Amy Sky, Olivia Newton-John 2518
Its Not Heaven Randy Goodrum, Newton-John 2511
Get Out Goodrum, Newton-John 2516
Big and Strong Mark Heard 2512
Car Games Goodrum, Newton-John 2502
Walk Through Fire David Baerwald, David Ricketts 2522
Tutta La Vita Lucio Dalla; English lyrics: Davitt Sigerson 2507
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