
Love Songs (1977)

The Beatles

Visitas: 202791

Lista de canciones
Nombre Autor / intérprete Visitas
Michelle John Lennon / Paul McCartney 11652
If I fell John Lennon / Paul McCartney 11772
For no one John Lennon / Paul McCartney 11504
Girl John Lennon / Paul McCartney 11560
Yes it is John Lennon / Paul McCartney 11505
She is leaving home John Lennon / Paul McCartney 11495
This Boy John Lennon / Paul Mccartney 11537
And I love her John Lennon / Paul McCartney 11655
Every little thing John Lennon / Paul McCartney 11508
Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown) J. Lennon-P. Mc Cartney 11396
The long and winding road Lennon/McCartney 11345
I will Lennon/McCartney 11378
Yesterday Lennon/McCartney 11292
Ill Be Back Lennon 11232
Words of Love Holly 11243
Something George Harrison 11735
In my life Lennon/McCartney 11222
Here, there and everywhere John Lennon / Paul Mccartney 11254
Youve Got to Hide Your Love Away Lennon/McCartney 11145
I Need You George Harrison 11139
Youre Going to Lose That Girl Lennon/McCartney 11122
Its Only Love Lennon/McCartney 11125
Tell Me What You See Lennon/McCartney 11128
Ill Follow the Sun The Beatles 11117
P.S. I Love You Gordon Jenkins, Johnny Mercer 11226
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