In a Mellow Tone (Duke Ellington)

Visitas: 3063

In a mellow tone
Feeling fancy free
And Im not alone
Ive got company
Everythings ok
The live long day
With this mellow song
I cant go wrong
In a mellow tone
Thats the way to live
If you mope and groan
Somethings gotta give
Just go your way
And laugh and play
Theres joy unknown
In a mellow tone
In a mellow tone
In a mellow tone
Feeling fancy free
And Im not alone
Ive got company
Everythings ok
The live long day
With this mellow song
I cant go wrong
In a mellow tone
Thats the way to live
If you mope and groan
Somethings gotta give
Just go your way
And laugh and play
Theres joy unknown
In a mellow tone
In a mellow tone
In a mellow tone
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