All or nothing at all (Laurence-Altman)

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All or nothing at all
Half a love, never appealed to me
If your heart, never could yield to me
Then Id rather, rather have nothing at all
I said all, nothing at all
If its love, there aint no in between
Why begin then cry, for something that might have been
No, Id rather, rather have nothing at all
Hey, please dont bring your lips close to my cheek
Dont you smile or Ill be lost beyond recall
The kiss in your eyes and the touch of your hand makes me weak
And my heart, it may go dizzy and fall
And if I fell under the spell of your call
I would be, be caught in the undertow
Well, you see, Ive got to say no, no, no
All or nothing at all
And if I fell, fell under the spell of your call
Dont you know I would be caught in the undertow
So, you see, Ive got to say no, no, or
Or nothing at all, or
Or nothing at all
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