Apparently They Were Travelling Abroad (Roger Waters)

Visitas: 2611

Oh God...
Wake up youre dreaming.
Youre dreaming.
We were moving away from the border.
Huh, what border?
Have a nice day.
Have a nice day.
We were moving away from the border
Looking for somewhere to sleep
The two of us sharing the driving
Two hitchhikers slumped in the back seat
I sneaked a quick look in the mirror
She gave me a smile
I said, is anyone hungry?
Should we stop for a while?
So we pulled off into a layby
Her dress blew up over her head
I said, would you like to come with me?
She said something foreign under her breath
(foreign words)
And the sun shone down on her lovely young limbs
I thought to myself shes much too good for you
I lay down beside her with tears in my eyes
She said
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